Sunday, September 8, 2013

English and the African Writer

In his essay, "English and the African Writer" Chinua Achebe reflects on the role of language and power, focusing on how language has helped African Literature to develop.

Achebe's main purpose was to communicate the idea that African literature cannot be defined in one single term as it is too broad.

Achebe view of the British/English language is very extense, given the fact the he writes many of his novels in that language.  He asserts, “that the national literature of Nigeria and of many other countries of Africa is, or will be, written in English.” Also, he referred to _______________________ which created the emotion/reaction of________________________ within the reader.

Achebe believes that the justification for using English as a means of communication in his novel is because the English language is one that is commonly known across the whole world, and it is one language that many people understand, so it is used for more people to understand the novels.  

The influence of the British led to a high socio-political change, including, acceptance of a language within all the different social groups. Achebe points to the irony at work when presented with work by authors such as Shabaan Robert, the Swahili poet of Tanganyika, as he could not understand his work, and would not, until Achebe learned Swahili.

Writers who choose to publish in the colonial languages of English and French, are not, Achebe believes, "unpatriotic smart-alecs," they are in fact, “ by-products of the same process that made the new nation-states of Africa”.

Achebe draws to a conclusion by referring to the work of James Baldwin. He draws a parallel between this work and his own ideas by finding similarities between both works.

Quote bank: please add to this/highlight key quotes within your copy of this extract.

 "If it didn't give them a song, it gave them a tongue."

“Where am I to find the time to learn the half dozen or so Nigerian languages, each of which can sustain a literature?”

“Let us not in rejecting the evil throw out the good within.”

“The national literature of Nigeria and of many other countries of Africa is, or will be, written in English.”

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