a. What does the text have to do with you, personally, and with your life (past, present or future)?
The graphic novel Persepolis written by Marjane Satrapi, the protagonist within the novel as well, definitely connects with my life in one aspect or another. To begin with, at some point of the graphic novel, Marji disobeys her parents' orders because she beliefs that she needs to go out to the demonstrations in order to prove her point. I immediately connected with this scene because sometimes my mom or dad give me a certain order that I belief is not worth following because it will not help my prove something or it will not help me become a better person. This text also has to do with me personally, because of the class structures found within that society and the society I live in here in Lima, Peru. In Lima, families also like for their kids to marry or be in love with people that pertain to the same social class as they do. Whenever this does not happen, the partner from the lower class is looked at from above as if she were an inferior human being and their relationship is frowned upon; not only by the family but by the whole social class within Lima.
b. How much does the text agree or clash with your view of the world, and what you consider right and wrong?
c. How did you learn, and how much were your views and opinions challenged or changed by this text, if at all?
d. How well does it address things that you, personally, care about and consider important to the world?
e. Your "critique" can and should be positive and praise the text if possible, as well as pointing out problems, disagreements and shortcomings.
f. How well did you enjoy the text (or not) as entertainment or as a work of art?
g. To sum up, what is your overall reaction to the text?